Sorry to keep you waiting. The smoked eel yesterday was way good! The whole meal was, they had a nice Danish Easter lunch and it was all so good. It was smørbrød which is basically like open faced sandwiches. They had the smoked eel, there was also way yummy smoked salmon, some shrimp, ham, eggs, leverpostej (liver paste, which is actually really good), cheese, and a bunch of other stuff. I ate so much though. I got some pictures of one of the smoked eels, they are way creepy, haha. But they sure do taste good. The Johansens catch them and smoke the eels themselves.
I know, holy cow!! How did Mother's Day get here so fast?! I just barely talked to you guys! I realized that Mother's day is just in a couple weeks and that was kind of weird. I also realized that it will be the last time I call you before coming home (unless I decide to call one more time because I got ripped off 1 call while in the MTC) But I've thought a bit about it, and we could talk to the Johansons and see if we could use their computer for skype, but otherwise we would probably have to just call. I got a calling card from another missionary, but I don't think there is much time left, so I could call you, and then you could call the number back for free. It's free to the recieving phone too right? I was thinking we could probably do it at 7am for you, or like 12:30/1ish after church. Whatever works. I'll get more figured out for next time.
Well I'll start with splits last monday/tuesday. It was fun. And yes we try to do splits with members as much as possible. It is always better when we can have a member come with to appointments, although it is kind of hard hear in this area. We went to Slagelse monday evening and played a quick game of basketball with them. They have a b ball court right outside their apartment. Then again in the morning we went out to the court and played some more, it was fun but guess what! I sprained my ankle! I kind of walked it off, but then made the mistake of playing more. The rest of the week I was limping and it is just barely getting better. It's not completly back to normal yet. While on splits we were able to crank out a few lessons. Oh yeah it was cool. So last week we were at the Johansons and they turned on the news and there was something about a girl named Felicia who was kind of a big deal. I didn't pay much attention to it, but when we were on splits we contacted a girl and taught her, and the whole time I was thinking, I know I've seen this girl somewhere. Well before we left her we asked her name and she said Felicia, and then it clicked that it was that girl I had seen on tv. Anyway, after we were done we had dinner with the slagelse elders and went home, but we missed the train by 1 minute and had to wait for an hour, and so we didn't end up getting home til 11.
One day, I think it was thursday, we decided to bike away from the city and work in an area that hadn't been worked in a long time, and it worked pretty well. We knocked on a ladies door and she was really friendly. She let us in and we talked for like 45 minutes. Her name is Barbl. She is from Germany but has lived here for 20 years so she is good at Danish.
Church was fun. The Germans came again. There were also a lot of ward members absent, so about half of the people in church couldn't understand Danish, so they just had someone up on the stand translating the talks to german the whole time. And then in the sunday school class I got to be the one to translate for everyone! Luckily I got to translate into English instead. But I sure had a lot of pressure on me there.. haha. One of the german girls had her boyfriend with this time, and he looked so much like arnold schwarzenegger! Muscles and all. And he also happens to be Germany's number 2 ranked beat boxer. He beat boxed some hymns for us, it was way cool. After chuch we had a meal as a ward. They do that the last sunday of each month.
Hmm, I think that is about it. It has been so hot this past week! We made it to 75 degrees the other day, but it is also way humid and that makes it seem like even more. What's it like in Utah lately? Did you finally get rid of all that snow for good?
My clothes are doing ok. I have gotten a few things here in DK and my stuff seems to be holding in there. And money situation I think is good. I usually don't take out money from my personal funds. I had to last month because our money took an extra week to get here than it should've so I had to take out like 30 bucks to get me by. Also, that is just fine that I didn't get an easter package. Prices are crazy and it seems kinda like a waste anyway. We got a bag of candies from the ward so that is good enough for me.
Sorry that I wasn't in any of the pictures last time, but don't worry, there are a few of me this time. The first 2 are me with a big smoked eel! yummy... Then I attached some pictures of a cemetary. I think that Danish cemetaries are way cool. They are really pretty. Then there is a pic of me in my new shirt that I bought. After that, oh this is kinda funny, we were at the store and they had free samples of wine! Only in Denmark... And there wasn't even an employee giving it out, it was just there for you to take, a kid could have easily taken some. And then last of all is a picture of me in front of some cool graffiti we found. This is actually what made me remember that Mother's day is almost here!
I miss you!! Have a great week! :D
Love Elder Tyler Lee
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