How are you doing? Thanks for the email!
So we heard about transfers. And we are both staying. So I guess I am here for another 2 months at least. Oh well I don't think it will be so bad, we are starting to get some good things going here. Transfers were way lame though. We had a bunch of missionaries in on that competition where we guess transfers, and when we found out about transfers it ruined all the fun, because for some reason President is keeping almost everthing the same. There are just a few changes but other than that, everyone has the same area and companion. Weird. The winner of the competition was Elder Williamson. So he gets a trophy. Haha, we are going to do this every transfer from now on. The trophy gets passed along to the winner.
I hope that I'm able to serve in Odense sometime too. But it's getting less likely. It's kinda crazy that I haven't had a chance to see the Halls at all. You'd think I'd see them around at a stake conference or somthing or other. Denmark isn't that big, and it's even smaller within the church.
I guess it is kind of fun being the ward pianist. And I'm sure they appreciate it, so I guess it is a little service that I can do for the ward. It is kind of stressful though sometimes. As you know, before my mission I didn't play piano for a few years, so I'm not the best and I didn't know a single hymn. But these people think that I'll just automaticly be able to play any hymn in the book.
Yesterday was Elder Poulsen's Birthday. He's now 20. The ward found out and they threw a little party for him after church. They had a way good cake. It had blueberries and it tasted great. It was funny, one of the guys tried to draw an American flag on the board and it was terrible. I should have taken a picture. It had like 30 stripes, and then in a tiny little corner there were a couple of dots for stars. And the whole thing was blue. haha.
I have a feeling that I might have to give a few more talks in this area.. I haven't had to bless or pass the Sacrament yet. There is one family here, the Johansens, they have 5 boys, and their family takes care of Sacrament most of the time.
That is sad to hear about that little boy who got lost out there. I hope that ends with a happy ending.
I wish I could report a lot of fun exciting things that happened this week, but it was pretty uneventful. We did however have a lot of success with missionary work these past couple of weeks. When I first came to this area we had one single investigator, but now we are finding a bunch more. We found like 8 new investigators or potential investigators, and the best part about it is that like 5 of them are young attractive women. I guess we are doing something right. haha. I'll let you know if anything happens with these people and if we are able to keep teaching them.
Sorry I don't have more to report about my week. We haven't really done anything because we have both had no money and no gas in our car, so we couldn't really do anything. I am excited to get some more money tomorrow so we can actually do things on p days.
I'm glad that the jazz finally got a win in there. Hopefully they will stop messing around and win some more games. I guess I'm not hip, I haven't really heard anything about that Jimmer guy. Dad mentioned something about him once, but that's it. That's cool that he is helping byu do so well. He sounds kinda like a big ball hog to me. haha jk.
Well, that is all for this time I guess. I sent you a couple pictures of a crazy car that we saw! I don't know if it can actually drive or not, it had a motor and everything. I also thought you might want to see a picture of me, and not just a weird car, so I just barely took a picture of myself 2 minutes ago. That's what I look like when I email you. Haha
Have a great week! I miss you!
Love Ældste Tyler Lee
Love Ældste Tyler Lee