Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Aug. 28, 2011

Hey everyone!!

It was so great hearing from you like always!!! :) Thanks! Whoah!!!! Camron is married!!!! This has been one of the best weeks ever! So much good stuff is happening now!! It's like the best is being saved for the last of my mission! I have to tell you about the week right away. It started out lame, because last p day we were so set on going to play soccer golf. The weather was perfect, but then we looked up a travel plan of how we would get there on bus, and it said, take bus number whatever to Sunds, and then walk for an hour! It turns out that the course is out in the boonies, so if we have any chance of going we are going to have to get a hold of a car. We are running out of time though, the weather is getting colder and the days are getting shorter. Later in the day we went over to Mia's place and had dinner and played settlers of catan, and then we went back out side to grab our bikes and ride home and guess what!!! McCleary's bike had been stolen!! Ya serious, someone jacked it! So the rest of the week we've been on foot and bus. The mission office is getting us a new one, but we have to wait another week or so before we can get it. Tuesday was a Silkeborg day. We met with Annie, and Omar and Malin. Wednesday was fun, we went to Ã…rhus for a zone conference. Those are always fun. It seemed like it had been awhile since we have met with other missionaries. Oh at the end of the meeting they gave each companionship portable dvd players. Cool huh. For watching a preach my gospel dvd and other church stuff.
Thursday we did a little bit of service with Inge. I don't know how that never gets done. Oh yeah that reminds me, a few weeks ago we were doing service over there and Inge's little niece and nephew were over. (they speak english) At first they were way shy but by the end they were so crazy. We ended up having a big battle with them, and Inge got a lot of it on film and put it on Youtube. It's kind of long, but now you can see a little bit of what it is we've been working on (we've come a lot further) And also some cute little kids. The girl's name is Blue. How cool is that??
Friday we were working in Herning and we got a few lessons in. One with our new investigator Anitta. She seems way cool. She is actually good friends with Mia! She saw my VDR ring and I told her what it stands for and she thought it is way cool and is going to order one online.
Saturday was a Silkeborg work day. We had a good lesson with the Pierce family. Ryan the Dad said that he'd like to come to church again, and then we invited the whole family and asked if they would like to come. they said they would think about it, and later we got a text saying that they think its a good idea and they want to come. They can't come this next week but they want to come the week after.
Then Sunday is when it gets really good. It started out by us going to the Silkeborg church and finding out that there had been a bunch of water damage downstairs so we went down there to help clean up a bit and saw that the carpet was soaking and there were like 5 frogs hopping around! Hahahaha. so we started church by catching frogs and releasing them back into the wild. We were bummed when church started because there were no investigators, and we were hoping that there would be 4. but after a couple minutes, Bruno walked in and sat down, and then a few minutes after that, Omar and Malin came in with their family. So we were able to have a guest class and Omar could translate for Bruno. (If you don't remember, Bruno pretty much only speaks French, and Omar is fluent in French) Bruno really liked the lesson and he wants a french BOM and for us to teach him and his fam. Unfortunately we found out that they are planning on living here for only about 2 months. So we will have to work fast. Then at the end of the lesson was the highlight of the week. We said something about testimony and the Malan was like, ''I got mine the other day!!'' And then she told us a story about how a couple days before she was praying about a wedding date but couldn't feel anything, so she decided to pray about something that she believed, the book of mormon. And then she said that she was filled with so much joy and warmth and was overwhelmed and started to cry. She said that now she knows without a doubt and needs to be baptized. that got us to discussing the wedding date and we made a goal for being married in September. Omar was a little reluctant but said that they actually have a free weekend on the 17th. So we said we could do it then, and that Malan could be baptized on the 24th. I could just see that she was so excited. Omar was like, hmm that's a little quick. And then Malan was like, ''well you better hurry because I'm getting baptized on the 24th!'' Whooo! So we have another baptismal date!!! They agreed to that and are starting working on the wedding plans!
After church we went over to Annie's house and ate more food. We had a great lesson with her and I was so happy to hear that she had been reading in the book of mormon every night and that it has been helping her sleep calmly. She is rock solid. She will get baptized for sure. We will probably have to bump her baptism though to the 8th of October because conference is on the 1st.
So that was the super exciting Sunday and awesome week!

Whoah!!! My brother is married!! That is so weird! Thanks for telling me all about the whole thing! It sounds like everything turned out very well. I'm sad that I had to miss it but I'm glad that they got married. It's cool that I now have a new sister.
Oh the other day my memory card got messed up! I put it in my camera and it says, ''reinsert the memory stick'' So I do but it doesn't help! It's all screwed up! I'm lucky though because I have almost all of the pictures backed up on my harddrive (all except like 10ish) and I also have been emailing most of them. It is way annoying though because I'm gonna have to buy a new memory card. :/

Thanks again for everything! Especially for supporting me through my whole mission! Have a fantastic week! I'll see ya soon!!! :D

Love Elder Tyler Lee

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