Hey!!! Happy Monday!! :) Today I have exactly 10 weeks left! So after this email there are only 9 more. Isn't that crazy?!?! November 22 is coming up so fast!!
Well this has been another awesome week. Everything is going so good right now. Wanna hear some exciting news? We were over at Annie's house and we started getting plans ready for the baptism, and she chose me to baptize her!!! :) I'm way excited. It will be awesome to get in the water before I come home. And one of the cool things about it is that she is going to get baptized in the ocean! How awesome is that?? The date that she is getting baptized is the 8th of October, so the weekend after general conference. By the way, she is still doing great! She was in church yesterday and loved it again. The ward members are all become good friends with her already and she's already fitting in.
Yesterday after church we had a branch counsel meeting and we talked about Annie's baptism and also Omar and Malin's wedding/ baptism, and the ward is so excited for all of it. It has literally been years since they have had a baptism, and now they are having two in one month! Oh btw Omar and Malin had to push their wedding back 2 weeks because it was too soon and they couldn't get it all figured out. They are waiting on some papers to arrive from Canada for Omar. So they are getting married on the 22nd and she's getting baptized on the 29th. You are welcome for that picture of them. They are such an awesome little family.
Let me tell you about the Bednar fireside! It was so awesome!!! So, we woke up early and traveled down to Copenhagen on Wednesday. When we got there we ate lunch and chatted with each other and all that fun stuff, then at 2 o'clock Elder Bednar came. The first thing that I thought when he walked in was, Wow he is a lot shorter in real life. Ha ha. We all took a group picture (they will send it to me). And then from there is was us missionaries and him for about 3 and a half hours! It was so cool, because he didn't come with anything specific he wanted to talk about. He just talked to us and we asked him questions and he'd go from there. those 3 and a half hours went by so fast! The theme of the day ended up being about how we should be an 'Agent' who acts and not an 'Object' that is acted upon. His testimony was so strong. And then when we were done with that meeting, we traveled over to the stake center and there we had another fireside with Elder Bednar. This one was open to anybody, and there were so many people there! It was a similar settup (questions and answers) So in all we were with Elder Bednar for close to 6 hours. It was a way awesome experience! It was awesome to see that he is a regular person too with a sense of humor. At the first of our meeting with him he had us all stand up and say our name and where we are from, and he was joking with us. Like, there was this sister missionary who said she went to Davis high, and Elder Bednar was like, ''So you are a Davis Dart, eh? That is the dumbest name ever!'' Ha ha We had some good laughs that day. Well that was that. It was way cool that he was able to come.
Also at the fireside I saw a bunch of familiar faces. I talked with Jennifer and her mom, Maria Engbjerg (from EFY) And also the Olsen family from Ballerup. They are some of my favorite people ever. They have a son on a mission in Portugal that I became really good friends with while I was serving in Ballerup.
After that we went to the Ballerup house to sleep. It was the last time that that will happen because they are getting rid of the house and the missionaries are moving. We also got a new bike for McCleary, so we don't have to walk around with blister feet anymore.
Let me tell you about a couple of our other investigators. Things are finally picking up in Herning. Two investigators that we found a few weeks ago are doing way well. We met with Anitta and had an awesome lesson with her. We gave her a Book of Mormon and she was so excited. It was funny, she wouldn't stop thanking us for it. She promised us that she would read it and pray about it. And she also would like to come to church some day with her 16 year old daughter Anja.
We also met with our investigator Bitten and had a similar experience. We taught her about the book of mormon and she said that she thinks it sounds way interesting and that she would go to the library and rent it. She couldn't believe it when we said that we have one with that she could have for free. She said though that she is excited to read in it and that she would try praying. She's never really tried praying because she doesn't really believe in God. So we asked to try and pray and ask if there is a God and if he is there. We hope that these two keep moving forward. Oh yeah, and Bitten has a pet squirrel named Henning. Cool huh?!
Oh, we caught another frog a couple days ago. It is huge!! I think it's the biggest one I've ever caught. I have to pictures of it for you, and also a video. :)
That's it for my week. It was a good one. :)
That's cool that Camron and Rurika have now moved into a little place of their own. It doesn't sound very luxurious but it'll do.
That's crazy that it's been 10 years since the 9-11 attacks. Yeah I remember that very well. I haven't really seen or heard too much about it hear in Denmark, but that is probably just because I don't really follow much with the news as a missionary. I did read a little bit about it in a newspaper.
You asked a couple questions about the mission. First, no I don't think that me and Elder McCleary with be together for the rest of my mission. Because he was told by President that he will be training at the next transfer (Early/mid October) So I assume that he will stay and get a noobie, and I'll move one more place for about a month and a half. That will be kind of annoying to move once more for a short time, but oh well. Also you asked about Sister Andersen. I am pretty sure that she will come home about 2 months after me.
So I'm scheduled to speak on the 27th eh? Alrighty. That is ok I guess. If I'm not too lazy I'll try to get a talk figured out while I'm hear so I don't have to worry about it during thanksgiving. Do you know If I have an assigned topic? Probably not yet.
Well I gotta bounce. I hope you are doing well and that you have a great week!
See ya!!
Love Elder Tyler Lee
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